Missouri License Renewal COVID-19 Update and FAQs
On: July 31, 2020

Due to COVID-19, Missouri has issued the following license renewal deadline extensions...
New York Bill Aims to Stop Real Estate Agent Discrimination
On: July 27, 2020

Earlier this year, New York issued 25 subpoenas to real estate agents and companies in response to a Newsday investigation into housing discrimination. The investigation revealed that Long Island real estate agents discriminated 19% of the time against Asians, 39% of the time against Hispanics, and 49% of the time against Blacks.
Now, in response to Newsday’s story, the New York State Senate just passed Bill S6874A. If it reaches the Governor’s desk and becomes law, it gives the Department of State the authority to “fine, suspend or revoke the license of a real estate agent or broker who commits a violation of Article 15 of the Executive Law in his or her capacity as an agent or broker.”
New Tool Makes Working with Socially Distant Clients Easier
On: July 10, 2020

Unfortunately, social distancing isn’t going away any time soon. As you continue to adjust your business practices to keep clients safe, there is a new tool releasing soon that can make it easier for you to sell homes remotely.
Testing Yourself for Hidden Biases in an Age of Housing Inequality
On: June 23, 2020

This month, the National Association of Realtors released a 53-minute training video centered around addressing and overcoming hidden biases in the real estate industry. With a tenet of our mission statement being to “grow our student’s knowledge base,” we’re encouraging real estate professionals in Michigan and all over the country to learn about and assess themselves for hidden biases.
Love Wins in Real Estate
On: June 23, 2020

On June 15, 2020, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that it is illegal for an employer to fire someone because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. The 6-3 ruling adds LGBTQ people to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which forbids discrimination based on sex, race, color, national origin and religion.
Real Estate: Leading the Way to Economic Recovery
On: June 22, 2020

Buying and selling a home goes far beyond personal growth and satisfaction, it supports our economy as a whole.
COVID-19 Brings Remote Notarization Changes to Colorado
On: June 18, 2020

Real Estate Professionals - an important bill concerning remote notarization recently passed in the Colorado General Assembly.
Minnesota Real Estate Renewal FAQ
On: May 28, 2020

The June 30th renewal deadline for Minnesota real estate agents is fast approaching. Here is everything you need to know to renew your license!
Uncertainty in the Real Estate Market
On: May 14, 2020

The infamous Harry S. Truman once said “America was not built on fear. America was built on Courage, on Imagination, and Unbeatable Determination to do the job at hand.” That statement rings true for all of us once again. We all know, that the current situation makes it extremely difficult to project the future of the economy. Sam Khater, Chief Economist at Freddie Mac, says: “The uncertainty of the crisis means forecasts of economic activity are more unclear than usual.” Analysts normally look at economic data and compare it to previous slowdowns to create their projections. This situation, as we know, is anything but normal.
3 Tips For Real Estate Professionals During COVID-19
On: May 14, 2020

COVID-19 has had a huge impact on the real estate market across the United States. With many states on lock down or encouraging social distancing, showing homes is increasingly difficult if not impossible but there is still a lot you can do to keep your business moving forward.